Yo, wassup! It has been a long time my friends since I posted my previous entry. Anyone miss me? Sure NOT.
Happy New Year for you guys. How did you spend your last day in 2017? Did you make a party for celebrating the new year?
I planned to spend the night in my friend house but It was heavy rain last night I decided to chill in my messy room but alas I fell asleep and woken up about 3am because of Wanna One's Burn It Up burned my dream. I was like, "Ah damn I overslept, is there any messages? My laptop in sleep mode, I watched something, better sleep again"
Here I am after quality sleep about 12 hours. I'm feeling so fresh. It seems like I've slept for a year.
Anyway I don't have any new goals for this year, so I just would like to accomplish the goals of 2017 which I should have done in 2016 because I promised them in 2015 and I planned them in 2014. So what I've been doing for the whole year?
January, 2017
I forget.
February, 2017
I went to Java for Industrial Visit about a week and experienced snorkling for THE FIRST TIME. It was so beautiful and memorable. I also went to Banjarmasin to visit my 4month niece and lived my common life like usual.
March, 2017
I refused to meet April, I hated being old.
April, 2017
I was being 20 years old. Old enough for being unmature.
May to June, 2017
I was still alive. Preparing my self for "the law of jungle" me version.
July, 2017
I fought up with my ex for a stupid bouquet of flower (this is important) and it was the last time we contacted each other. I felt pathetic facing KKN. In the last July, my ex (he also had a role as my bestfriend about 8 years that is why I told you it was important) got accident during his work.
August, 2017
I felt empty, he passed away. This was also being the first time of us trip to other town which us we were so brave because we had to give our last tribute for him. This was the first time too for one of my bestfriend being a driver and not had an enough sleep over 2 days.
September, 2017
I decided to longer my veil and promised to my self I should be a better muslimah. Also this month we started TRP. FT FISIP tawuran wkwkwk.
October to November, 2017
We struggled over TRP.
December, 2017
We survived, everything under control, I became wannable (Wanna One fans), I tried roller coaster (I swear it was my first time I wanted to make a poker face but I'm altophobia so it was impossible for me) and tried ghost house and it was so easy for me because its about mind set.
So flat. But life is never flat. So much fun, but I try my best to remember but I don't remember anything. May be because I just feel it not write it down.
Also I'd like to announce the winner for my prev post, congratulation to Vanny you are so funny for joining the "experience sharing". The gift is on the way.
Last, may our goals happen in this year and be healthy, don't forget to smile, I love you.
Happy New Year for you guys. How did you spend your last day in 2017? Did you make a party for celebrating the new year?
I planned to spend the night in my friend house but It was heavy rain last night I decided to chill in my messy room but alas I fell asleep and woken up about 3am because of Wanna One's Burn It Up burned my dream. I was like, "Ah damn I overslept, is there any messages? My laptop in sleep mode, I watched something, better sleep again"
Here I am after quality sleep about 12 hours. I'm feeling so fresh. It seems like I've slept for a year.
Anyway I don't have any new goals for this year, so I just would like to accomplish the goals of 2017 which I should have done in 2016 because I promised them in 2015 and I planned them in 2014. So what I've been doing for the whole year?
January, 2017
I forget.
February, 2017
I went to Java for Industrial Visit about a week and experienced snorkling for THE FIRST TIME. It was so beautiful and memorable. I also went to Banjarmasin to visit my 4month niece and lived my common life like usual.
March, 2017
I refused to meet April, I hated being old.
April, 2017
I was being 20 years old. Old enough for being unmature.
May to June, 2017
I was still alive. Preparing my self for "the law of jungle" me version.
July, 2017
I fought up with my ex for a stupid bouquet of flower (this is important) and it was the last time we contacted each other. I felt pathetic facing KKN. In the last July, my ex (he also had a role as my bestfriend about 8 years that is why I told you it was important) got accident during his work.
August, 2017
I felt empty, he passed away. This was also being the first time of us trip to other town which us we were so brave because we had to give our last tribute for him. This was the first time too for one of my bestfriend being a driver and not had an enough sleep over 2 days.
September, 2017
I decided to longer my veil and promised to my self I should be a better muslimah. Also this month we started TRP. FT FISIP tawuran wkwkwk.
October to November, 2017
We struggled over TRP.
December, 2017
We survived, everything under control, I became wannable (Wanna One fans), I tried roller coaster (I swear it was my first time I wanted to make a poker face but I'm altophobia so it was impossible for me) and tried ghost house and it was so easy for me because its about mind set.
So flat. But life is never flat. So much fun, but I try my best to remember but I don't remember anything. May be because I just feel it not write it down.
Also I'd like to announce the winner for my prev post, congratulation to Vanny you are so funny for joining the "experience sharing". The gift is on the way.
Last, may our goals happen in this year and be healthy, don't forget to smile, I love you.
Don't forget to smile tho jabs n happy new year
BalasHapusyou too, have a nice day thank you for visiting
HapusJanuari: aku ingat, panjangin rambut. Rekamannya masih ada atau dah aku hapus ya. Lupa
BalasHapusSeptember: hubungan kita mengalami cobaan hahahaha
Desember: pergi sama aku yok. Aku pengen liat muka kau yg katanya ga akan takut sama rumah hantu, dan rollercoaster sepertinya saya bisa membayangkan bagaimana wajah Anda.
aku sih ketawa-ketawa aja sama yang jadi hantunya. lagian aku malas mau kesana lagi ga ada yang bagus juga. at least aku dah pernah kesana, ga perlu dua kali wkwkwk mianhae chingu
HapusSebenarnya gua mau komen ini itu, cuman karana gua nggak terlalu paham dan ngerti bahasa Inggris, jadi gua curhat aja di komen yah hehe
BalasHapuscurhat aja gapapa, lagian itu bahasa tetangga sebelah bukan bahasa inggris. btw, makasih udah visit ya hehe